Wild Woman

Wild Woman Photoshoots are you, connecting with Nature, with Mama Gaia, skin to skin, in whatever way feels good to you.

Nature has the most healing energy that brings out this wild, authentic versions of ourselves that can get lost in our busy every day lives.

Giving yourself this experience is something that will change you. It will liberate you to take on new challenges. It will inspire you. It will enhance your confidence. It will soothe your soul in ways you may have forgotten.

These photoshoots take time.

Sometimes when my clients are nervous we meditate first.

Which helps ground them and bring them back to WHY they are there. To help them tap back into Love and the Goddess Energy they are there to omit and share through their photos.

It's my job to create a space of calmness for you, to get comfortable being naked in front of the camera.

With every client I've had, it takes over 20 minutes for women to reaallllly melt into their unique feminine energy and then their soul just lights up and I can see it in their smile and in their eyes. The way they look into the lens, it just makes my heart leap for joy.

So, because this is a processs, a full standard photoshoot is necessary.

We start off by putting you in a beautiful dress, one that is flowy and makes you feel like a Queen. Then I encourage you to let go and just move the way your body wants to move. Think flowy, sensual, graceful, feminine, and care-free.

Then when you are ready, you can take the dress off and just... flow, dance, and love camera & the earth.

I can direct you as much as needed.

Yet some how... everyone manages to tap into and trust their inner feminine flow and magic, every time.